When he clapped eyes on the camel hair socks, Alex couldn’t help smiling. He closed the trunk containing what remained of his material assets: this exotic souvenir of his photo report in Mongolia, —a gift for Lucie who is extremely sensitive to the cold—, his professional equipment and some belongings.
His house had been destroyed by a fire and the person behind the bombing had sent a thug hunting him up to his hospital bed. Without his old friend Angus’s help, he would’ve felt in an equally desperate situation than had been the last weeks Edgar, the mind-reader dog that he just contributed to saving from being put down.
As it happened, his new canine companion, who already didn’t let him out of his sight, was looking over to him insistently. “Let’s go, buddy! Time has come for you and me to make together a fresh start.”
A tribute to Benji from The Disney Wiki.
One of David Austin's creations.
When the beautiful Shropshire Lad adorning her garden begun to wither, in response to the dreadful illness that was eating her up, Adèle realized for the first time how much she had messed up her life.
From now on, she applies herself to learn the lesson from this astonishing demonstration of empathy and relishes each moment in sheer mindfulness.
A heroin who’s scared of nothing, that’s what Louise, a modern young woman, expects from a good urban fantasy novel. Just as she’s keen on deliciously crazy universes born of a wild imagination. Ilona Andrews tandem never disappoints her.
With her sword, Slayer, Curran her half-man, half-beast lover and her loyal Grendel, Kate Daniels personifies the righter of wrongs that the mum-to-be would crave to become, while trying to bring some serenity in this world via her creating a holistic health center.
Capucine is five years old. Her dream is to become a vet in order to nurse unicorns, her current passion.
For the time being, she contents herself with following young donkey Trotro's adventures, nestled on the sofa with her darling dog, Bijou.
When Capucine has a great sorrow, her sister Emma takes her to Au Chat Bleu and she offers her her favorite treat, a white chocolate mouse filled with crisp praliné.
The charming old-fashioned shop is a magical place. No sooner have you stepped through the door than its treasures bewitch your senses.
As you leave with some of its delicacies, you take away a beat of timeless bliss auguring gourmet breaks.
Village idyllique, évoquant par sa douceur de vivre le Lubéron de Philippe Ragueneau, « Brigadoon » est un véritable havre de paix, entre les parties de pétanque sur la place arborée,
le charme bucolique de la nature environnante, l’ambiance chaleureuse du bar-tabac, sans parler de ces bonnes âmes qui s’ingénient à sauver les hérissons blessés ou en perdition.
Al se trouverait presque embarrassé d’être venu se réfugier en un lieu où règne une telle sérénité. Cependant, en lui offrant d’occuper sa maison à l’orée de la forêt, Louise, amie d’enfance
d’Angus, son vieux complice comme lui reporter, lui a probablement sauvé la mise. En effet, le changement d’identité et d’apparence, le nom de code du village, la fuite, la planque, tout cela
vise à le soustraire à l’acharnement de l’inconnu qui vient d’attenter par deux fois à sa vie.
Les liens affectifs que l’homme en cavale tisse avec Edgar, le chien qu’il a sauvé de l’euthanasie, l’exaltation inattendue qu’éprouve Louise, jeune femme introvertie, à l‘annonce d’une grossesse
inopinée, le sentiment tardif de réconciliation d’Adèle, vieille dame que la vie n’a pas épargnée augurent d’autant de nouveaux départs prometteurs.
Cependant, les voyages initiatiques qu’entreprennent Al et ses nouveaux amis devront composer avec l’intrusion du monde extérieur, stigmatisé par la cruauté et la corruption. La fluctuation de
leurs états d’âme trouvera écho d’une part dans les dilemmes de leurs alter ego du « côté obscur » - policier désenchanté, tueur sans scrupule, escroc repenti - et d’autre part dans la
remise en question du combat qu’une poignée d’idéalistes livre à la souffrance et à la maladie en fournissant du cannabis thérapeutique à des patients incurables.
A mesure que se dénouera l’intrigue et que l’identité du commanditaire des attentats perpétrés à l’encontre d’Al se fera jour, la collision entre les deux univers deviendra inéluctable. Les vies
d’Edgar et de son maître seront plus que jamais en sursis. Le village et ses habitants sortiront-ils indemnes de cette catastrophe annoncée ?
Since the start of his career as a burglar to his current activity as a half-reformed con man, Bernard, alias Huggy, has always had a weakness for romantic comedies.
Of course, without a woman in his life, he’s quite lost. Unfortunately, those whom he would like to charm, are beyond his reach.
He comforts himself in checking out beautiful actresses. But, at the faintest suspicious noise in his flat, he draws his gun. His worst nightmare would be that cops find him bumped off in front of “Four Weddings and a Funeral”.
At a time when everyone mobilizes in answer to Trump's erring ways concerning Alaska,
California tends to confirm being a great place to live in.
As regards idols – singers, moviemakers, authors – Audrey had an awful lot of infatuations. Then, while committing herself in creating her charity devoted to protecting old, disabled and rejected animals, she understood that compassion is the hallmark of human greatness.
Be it the produce of the Matrix or some other genesis, humankind counts more and more soulless arrivistes who are mere heaps of organic matter with no encephalogram activity – as if sound minds were out of stock -. So, meeting a person who still owns this spark is always comforting.
When, with his human, Alfred, my buddy Edgar met Louise, the young woman immediately identified him as the reincarnation of Dartagnan, a dog she knew in her childhood...
So that last years of pet lovers' lives won't consist in merely waiting for death coming, deprived of glorious loving presence of their cat or dog.
And to prevent their pets from being abandoned or even killed when they could have made the most of these last years, together.
Pets should be accepted in nursing homes.
One more step forward. Power belongs to us. : just by boycotting cosmetics, cleaning products and other Lipton teas that relish in animal suffering.
While waiting for "scientists" to favor human model - if only to avoid humans becoming themselves victims of beta version meds shamelessly put on the market -
Having devoted herself to animal communication as well as distance healing and training during three decades, Mathilda Rossignol recently completed her project to contribute to human conscience awakening by creating her own school.
Cick on the image to access school.
Fortunately my buddy Rouky's story is one that ends well though he didn't have the time to fulfill his mission to help his human. The older man was admitted in a nursing home and Rouky ended up in an animal shelter.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank the devoted persons that take care of us in shelters and via charities as well as anonymous ones who won't look away when they encounter some hurt, stray or abused animal. You are simply wonderful !
Ask Rufus - Rouky's neighbor at the shelter who tells us his story -. He totally agrees with me even if his situation is presently desperate. Well, don't worry for him, his arrival at the shelter will finally be the opportunity to make a fresh start.
Here's my friend, Gandalf.
Sometimes, our humans went through a lot before our coming into their lives. Then our presence is their reward.
When they met, Philippe had been fighting his demons for years and he had lost himself. Gandalf came at the right moment since he devoted his whole carreer as a police dog to find missing persons.
Another amazing gifted artist,
Derek Kinzett, wire sculptor.
Don’t hesitate to display full screen and enjoy slideshow. Thank’s, Annie for sharing.
I told you I was the muse of this site.
Where do you think Cathy found inspiration for the post about chainsaw carving ?
I recently heard that Adèle, one of my proteges, died peacefully, sitting in her orchard, with a book on her lap. I then decided to pay tribute to this magical art and had a look at the records.
Well, I must admit that maybe I was influenced by the fact that the sculpture represented me...
As soon as Alice found out on the Internet that chainsaw carving could give a dead tree a new lease on life, she immediately took advice from Paul, a friend who is a horticulturist.
Convincing Adèle to have her favorite, already hit by lightning, apple tree, cut down would be no easy task. But in this season of regular storms, Alice was concerned about her mother’s safety.
Berlingot's review :
As any cat worthy of the name, I don’t admit just anyone in my home. In fact, my favorite visitor is the delivery man. And for good reason : parcels are often filled with treats, toys, delicious food pouches and they even occasionally contain delightful surprises such as a radiator bed or a cat flap.
A christmas gift for your dog ? Why not ?
Being an absolute pet lover, I don't miss an opportunity to celebrate their presence in my life by sharing with them every precious moment of complicity.
The universal remedy for melancholy.
Who does not know this series of books ?
Since the publication of the first Chicken Soup for the Soul, a best-seller as well as a social phenomenon, more than 250 titles followed, offering moving and inspirational texts.
Estelle is a sweet pain. Selfish, a Missis know-it-all, rather shallow, she would go for anything in order to be the center of attention. Even her friends sometimes find her insufferable.
As for her love life, since she left the only man who sincerely thought he loved her, it’s a mere series of wrong picks.
Pictures from Deavita.com
Ernest thought he would live a happy life in this orchard. But then, there has been this hellish din and blades gouged his flesh.
Some kind soul brought him to the "Refuge du hérisson" where he was well taken care of but, as he's been seriously maimed, he stayed there and became its mascot.
Ernest has a good life now, but his jaw injury made him camera-shy. His friend Obelix kindly accepted to replace him. She has been burnt on half her body and taken care of by “Le Sanctuaire des Hérissons” which pic is courtesy of.
This world being what it is, I decided to create my own universe and you're invited to enter it as long as we share the same values.
Cathy Morel
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