Hi, friends ! Cathy, my human, gave me carte blanche to write todays's page. She think's I'm doing well with my FB profile and my section. I quiver wih joy !
Well, maybe this has something to do with the fact that I insistently sprawl on the keyboard of the computer as she rushes to complete one of these translations that monopolize too much of her attention for my liking.
Anyway, I grab this opportunity to tell you about a great friend of ours, Mathilda who, while targeting animal well-being, also comforts human soul.
Mathilda Rossignol is one of animal communication pioneers. Guided by her unconditional love of all creatures, she begun to converse with them in her childhood.
Moving, heartwarming, funny, buddies' accounts are always amazing.
Having devoted herself to animal communication as well as distance healing and training during three decades, Mathilda Rossignol recently completed her project to contribute to human conscience awakening by creating her own school.
Cick on the image to access school.
True to her principle specifying that :
"Animal Communication should not be reserved to an elite few,
nor become a mere money-making business."
she now gives priority to the transmission of her knowledge in order that there are more and more persons able to communicate with animals and therefore to help them.
Are you eager to find out more about Mathilda's fights or to shed a tear while reading moving communication accounts ?
Access her Facebook profile and website by clicking on the images.
Sorry, for the time being, all of this is only in french while waiting for an english version of some of its content.
Fortunately my buddy Rouky's story is one that ends well though he didn't have the time to fulfill his mission to help his human. The older man was admitted in a nursing home and Rouky ended up in an animal shelter.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank the devoted persons that take care of us in shelters and via charities as well as anonymous ones who won't look away when they encounter some hurt, stray or abused animal. You are simply wonderful !
Ask Rufus - Rouky's neighbor at the shelter who tells us his story -. He totally agrees with me even if his situation is presently desperate. Well, don't worry for him, his arrival at the shelter will finally be the opportunity to make a fresh start.
This world being what it is, I decided to create my own universe and you're invited to enter it as long as we share the same values.
Cathy Morel
Facebook Profiles
Photo Credits : Pixabay
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