Experiencing flow

Flow is what enthusiast artist or artisan experiences when immersed in creation. Nothing else then exists than the present moment and the world reaches perfect wholeness.



Chainsaw carving


As soon as Alice found out on the Internet that chainsaw carving could give a dead tree a new lease on life, she immediately took advice from Paul, a friend who is a horticulturist.


Convincing Adèle to have her favorite, already hit by lightning, apple tree, cut down would be no easy task. But in this season of regular storms, Alice was concerned about her mother’s safety.

Chainsaw Carving Creations



La Rouge Porte, tree pruning company in the North of France.


What's the logical next step when you...




... apply tree surgery


with the greatest of care to preserve vegetal life ?

Offer trees a second life !

Berlingot - Adèle Augereau Mission

I told you I was the muse of this site.

Where do you think Cathy found inspiration for the post about chainsaw carving ?

I recently heard that Adèle, one of my proteges, died peacefully, sitting in her orchard, with a book on her lap. I then decided to pay tribute to this magical art and had a look at the records.

Well, I must admit that maybe I was influenced by the fact that the sculpture represented me...

Here is the account of our encounter - illustrating how a little furry thing can teach you to open your heart -.

Followed by the incredile gift Alice gave her mother to celebrate their reconciliation. I love being a guardian angel !

Derek Kinzett - Wire sculptor



Another amazing gifted artist,

Derek Kinzett, wire sculptor.

Don’t hesitate to display full screen and enjoy slideshow. Thank’s, Annie for sharing.